Entire books have been written about using duct tape to make crafts, but duct tape also can be a valuable tool around the house and when camping. Many campers and handymen and women tuck a role of duct tape in their packs or tool bags "just in case."
Some of those "just in case" moments happen when camping, such as getting a blister from hiking or needing a rope to hang a tent from a tree. Duct tape is very tough and can be used in a pinch to replace items, including shoelaces and medical tape.
Duct tape shoelaces
Replace broken shoelaces with ones made of duct tape. Not only do they hold the shoe on the foot, but they are waterproof, so they won't tighten and create unmanageable knots.
Replace broken shoelaces with ones made of duct tape. Not only do they hold the shoe on the foot, but they are waterproof, so they won't tighten and create unmanageable knots.

Trek the Horizon
Depending on the size of the shoe and how long the lace is, the required duct tape length may be very long. If the original shoelace (or the other shoe still has a lace) is available, use it to determine how long the tape should be. The video below shows how to fold the duct tape so it doesn't stick to the shoe.
Duct tape on blisters
Moleskin or medical tape and gauze or cotton are best, but if the first-aid kit is lacking, duct tape protects blisters from rubbing more on the shoe's heel. If a clean rag or piece of cloth is available, tear off a piece and place it over the blister prior to putting the duct tape over it. If the tape is placed directly on the blister, the wound will tear when the tape is removed.
Moleskin or medical tape and gauze or cotton are best, but if the first-aid kit is lacking, duct tape protects blisters from rubbing more on the shoe's heel. If a clean rag or piece of cloth is available, tear off a piece and place it over the blister prior to putting the duct tape over it. If the tape is placed directly on the blister, the wound will tear when the tape is removed.
Duct tape sheath
Protect fingers and toes – especially those of children – by creating a sheath to cover an ax's sharp blade. Make sure the inside of the sheath is covered with tape so the adhesive is not against the blade. Use duct tape to reinforce the ax handle near the head, but if the head is wobbly at all, do not use the ax.
Protect fingers and toes – especially those of children – by creating a sheath to cover an ax's sharp blade. Make sure the inside of the sheath is covered with tape so the adhesive is not against the blade. Use duct tape to reinforce the ax handle near the head, but if the head is wobbly at all, do not use the ax.
Duct tape rope
Rope comes in handy when something needs to be tied down. This rope is for functional usage on inanimate objects and should not be used in lieu of a rope for climbing or rappelling.
Rope comes in handy when something needs to be tied down. This rope is for functional usage on inanimate objects and should not be used in lieu of a rope for climbing or rappelling.

Trek the Horizon
This project will take a while as it involves braiding three long pieces of tape. Those pieces need to be prepped first, which takes longer than the actual braiding. The tutorial demonstrates the correct braiding technique to ensure tensile strength.
Duct tape survival tent
To the trees! For those campers roughing it, duct tape becomes a line on which ponchos can be hung to form a cursory shelter.
To the trees! For those campers roughing it, duct tape becomes a line on which ponchos can be hung to form a cursory shelter.

Trek the Horizon
Duct tape wrapped around two trees form a base for opened rain ponchos to be attached. The video below shows how to tape the ponchos to the central line and to one another to make a waterproof shelter.
Tent repair with duct tape
Duct tape is good for patching tents and screens. It's waterproof, so any holes allowing water or insects in can be repaired. It is best to place a corresponding piece of tape on the inside.
Duct tape is good for patching tents and screens. It's waterproof, so any holes allowing water or insects in can be repaired. It is best to place a corresponding piece of tape on the inside.

Trek the Horizon
In addition to patching holes, duct tape can reinforce supports or repair ones that have snapped. The video also demonstrates how to use duct tape when a tent zipper's teeth have broken off, keeping the zipper from sealing.
Duct tape first aid
A first-aid kit is a requirement when camping, but if the campers have been prone to injuries throughout the trip, the kit might be lacking at some point. Use duct tape to deal with minor wounds such as scratches or splinters.
A first-aid kit is a requirement when camping, but if the campers have been prone to injuries throughout the trip, the kit might be lacking at some point. Use duct tape to deal with minor wounds such as scratches or splinters.

Trek the Horizon
Never apply duct tape directly to an open wound unless it is the only item on hand. This tutorial shows how to use tape to remove a splinter, use tape and gauze to create a makeshift adhesive bandage and how to protect raw heels.